Contact Summit Research
Summit Research is a medical research organization located in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Since 1976, we remain dedicated to improving medical treatment by conducting high quality scientific research and patient care.
Summit Research is a medical research organization located in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Since 1976, we remain dedicated to improving medical treatment by conducting high quality scientific research and patient care.
Our goal at Summit Research is to expand scientific knowledge while maintaining the highest quality patient care.
Summit Research is an independent medical research organization with an out-patient facility located in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Since 1976, we have worked in cooperation with pharmaceutical companies to develop future new medical treatments for a variety of conditions. With decades of experience in the clinical research industry Summit Research has adapted with the ever-changing industry to successfully provide the most advanced research techniques to help develop better treatments and better future health for individuals with psychiatric and other health conditions. We have expanded services to include the Memory Health Center within Summit Research to focus on dementia and other age related memory conditions.
Our staff includes physicians (psychiatry, internal medicine, and endocrinology), psychologists, nurse practitioners, certified clinical research coordinators, medical assistants, and support personnel. Many of our staff, including clinician raters, have been with Summit Research for 10 years or more. In addition, our site offers: the ability to utilize central IRBs, experience with electronic data capture, inter-rater reliability training, quality assurance monitoring, an aftercare program for study participants, a dedicated recruitment team, and comprehensive advertising program.
Below is a list of therapeutic areas we of interest. With over 40 years of clinical trials operations and management experience, our list of areas is ever changing. If you do not see your area of interest for a project, please contact James Hockley, MBA, Executive Director or Annika Truitt, Manager Research Operations: either would be happy to discuss the feasibility of your trial.
Pathological Gambling
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
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